Encyclopaedia of the Peoples of China
2014Encyclopaedia of the Peoples of China offers a uniquely rich and informed insight into a neglected but enormously significant subject for the modern world.
Encyclopedia of the Peoples of China offers a rich and well-researched insight into the profoundly important, but often neglected, subject of the development of a modern nationalist consciousness in China. This vital study on national cultural history is enriched with a magnificent range of illustrations. (English rights sold.) The book looks at each of the 56 official peoples of China and provides an encyclopaedic coverage in terms of:
• the people and their homelands
• their origins, history and language
• their family life and social organizations
• their livelihoods and material culture, such as food, clothing and homes
• their religious beliefs and cultural inheritance
• the achievements of their notable people
• the cultural sites and historical monuments of their communities
Dr. Haiyang Zhang is a professor of anthropology with SES and MUC, and is Director of EMSCOC. Professor Paul Richardson is a senior manager at Macmillan, Harper Collins and Reed Elsevier. He is the founder and first director of the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies and a professor at Oxford Brookes University.
Author: Dr. Haiyang Zhang; Professor Paul Richardson
Publisher: Yilin Press
Price: ¥ 65.00
April 2014
ISBN 978-7-5336-6261-5
Hardcover 256 pp