凤凰出版传媒集团 凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司

History of Chinese Aesthetics

The series explains the development history of aesthetic ideology in China by discussing important aesthetic concepts, categories and topics from different eras.


The series explains the development history of aesthetic ideology in China by discussing important aesthetic concepts, categories and topics from different eras. It explains aesthetic ideology in philosophical and religious works, art theories and criticisms and social life in different periods of China's long history. Besides digging up new material, the authors sought to make new discoveries in historical materials. The series reflects the current focus points and development goals of aesthetic theories.

• The first publication in China to present a general history of Chinese aesthetics.

• The books have been nominated for the Fourth Chinese Government Award for Publications.

Author: Ye Lang & Zhu Liangzhi

Publisher: Jiangsu People's Publishing Ltd

Price: ¥680.00

Jan 2014

ISBN 9787214113207


Coyright manager: Queenie Liu

E-mail: swallowliu_nnu@163.com