凤凰出版传媒集团 凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司

Four Seasons In Chinese Poetry

The English picture book consists of 45 ancient Chinese poetries accompanied by 45 sceneries across the four seasons that are in line with the artistic concept described in these poetries.


The English picture book consists of 45 ancient Chinese poetries accompanied by 45 sceneries across the four seasons that are in line with the artistic concept described in these poetries.

Each poetry comes with an audio file, which can be played by scanning the QR code on the page.

In addition to translating these Chinese poetries into English, the book also features the orginal Chinese versions with Chinese phonetic alphabets and audio files to help interested readers recite Chinese poetries.

Author: Zhang Kezhong, trans. from Chinese by Zhu Tianlu, Andrew Wells-Qu

Publisher: Phoenix Education Publishing Ltd

Language: English

Publication Date: March 2020

ISBN: 978-7-5499-8548-7