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Forget Me to be published in French, Dutch

Updated: 2021-10-26


Yuan Nan (R), editor-in-chief of Yilin Press Ltd, and writer Xu Feng sign a contract with Belgian publishing houses online.

The Chinese novel Forget Me is expected to be published in French and Dutch, according to a signing ceremony held in Nanjing on Oct 25.

Published by Phoenix Publishing and Media Group's subsidiary Yilin Press Ltd, the book revolves around the life of the "Chinese Schindler" Qian Xiuling who rescued 110 Belgian hostages from the Nazis during the World War II.

It took the writer Xu Feng 16 years to complete the book and during those years, Xu traveled to Belgium to visit Qian's descendants and friends to uncover more stories about Qian.

The book has been well-received by readers since it was published in April this year.

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