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Translation of 5 original PPMG academic books receive national funding

Updated: 2023-05-29

The translation of five original academic books published by Phoenix Publishing and Media Group was recently added to the Chinese Academic Foreign Translation Program of the National Social Science Fund of China.

The program mainly subsidizes high-quality academic books that represent Chinese academic levels, the essence of Chinese culture, and the academic frontier in China, are published by authoritative foreign publishing institutions in foreign languages, and are distributed by mainstream channels in other countries.

The listed books include four from the Jiangsu People's Publishing House and one from Yilin Press, namely, the German version of A Hope for Philosophyby Ye Xiushan, the Korean version of Clothing the Lands under Heaven--A History of Silk in Jiangnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties by Fan Jinmin, the English version of West and East: The Communication and Exchange of Mathematical Knowledge Along The Silk Road by Ji Zhigang, the Japanese version of The Social and Economic History of the Chinese Overseas in Africa by Li Anshan, and the Russian version of Reflecting on Contemporary Visual Culture in China by Zhou Xian.

It is the third time that A Hope for Philosophy and second time that Research on the History of Silk in Jiangnan Region in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Reflecting on Contemporary Visual Culture in China have received support from the National Social Science Fund of China.

Three books with Yilin Press and Veritas & Mercurius Publishing Co Ltd as the copyright agent were also added to the program.

In recent years, PPMG has ramped up efforts to promote the overseas publication of high-quality original academic books. It has reached cooperation agreements with Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford University Press, Springer Nature Group, and Peter Lang.

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