Liming Zoo
With the Liming Zoo as the backdrop, the novel discusses the twists and turns involved in transferring animals.
With the sudden outbreak of the war with other planet, children at the Liming Zoo are forced to grow up and shoulder the heavy responsibility of their families' and country's future. With the Liming Zoo as the backdrop, the novel discusses the twists and turns involved in transferring animals.
In Liming Zoo, the war depicted is not especially historically accurate; it takes liberties with specific historical backgrounds and focuses on the universal malaise of war that human society struggles to overcome. It represents wars that exist in the present and may reoccur in the future. The author combines elements of science fiction with a story about protecting animals during war, giving it a sense of modernity and futurism and improving readability.
Author: Huang Beijia
Publication date: September 2023
Publisher: Phoenix Juvenile and Children's Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9787558430862