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PPMG honored as enterprise with outstanding influence in 2023

Updated: 2024-03-04


A certificate from bookdao.com honoring PPMG.

Phoenix Publishing and Media Group (PPMG) was named an "enterprise with outstanding influence" in 2023 by bookdao.com, a publishing and book selling platform, at the 2024 Book Influence Forum held in Beijing.

PPMG's subsidiary also received multiple honors at the event.

Phoenix Literature & Art Publishing Ltd and Yilin Press Ltd ranked first and second place in the publishing of poetry and biographies. Six books published by Jiangsu People's Publishing House and Yilin Press Ltd, including Pros and Cons of the Publication Industry, Biography of the Yellow River, and Collected Stories of Han Songluo, made the 2023 Bookdao Good Books • Outstanding Original and Influential Books list.

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