Phoenix attends Beijing International Book Fair
Updated:2015-09-14Phoenix Publishing and Media Inc. took part in the 22nd Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) on Aug 26-30, 2015.
Phoenix launches English website
Updated:2015-08-27Phoenix Publishing & Media, Inc. (PPM), headquartered in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, formally launched its English-language website on August 26, with backing from chinadaily.com.cn.
Phoenix Media among top ten global publishers
Updated:2015-08-06Phoenix Publishing and Media Group(PPMG) is ranked 6th among the World's Top Ten Publishing Companies in 2015.
Sino-US Media Forum
Updated:2015-05-27China sponsored a “Sino-US Publishing and Media Industry Forum” at the Book Expo America, a leading book publishing event in the city of New York, USA.
Phoenix Group holds English Camp
Updated:2015-02-06From February 2nd through the 17th, the Australian branch of Phoenix Publishing and Media, Inc. (PPM) held an English winter camp in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.
Spy-action Drama Debuts on BTV
Updated:2015-02-02The press conference for the premiere of Mission Impossible, a Chinese-language drama that has the same name as the Hollywood blockbuster, produced by Phoenix Legend Films Company, was held in Beijing on Feb 2nd , 2015.