Xinhua Bookstore pumps books into petrol stations
Updated:2016-06-03The 24-hour book sales services have been available for local residents and passing drivers at four gas stations since May 30, increasing to more than 20 stations in the city.
PPM delegation visits US partners and subsidiary
Updated:2016-05-23A PPM delegation took a business trip to North America from May 9 to 17, where they visited Pace University in New York, PPM's US subsidiary and the Book Exposition of America held in Chicago.
Phoenix Group tops the list of domestic publishing enterprises
Updated:2016-05-19Phoenix Publishing and Media Group was recently selected in the eighth annual Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in China ranking, coming in first among the 10 cultural enterprises from the publishing sector.
PPMG and provincial government join hands to develop smart education
Updated:2016-05-18Phoenix Publishing and Media Group (PPMG) and Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education signed a deal to further cooperation on smart education on May 6.
Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing launches pocket book for metro riders
Updated:2016-05-04Changchang's Silkworm, China's first picture book for metro riders was launched in Nanjing on April 25.
Chinese version of 'History of Human Civilization' makes world debut in London
Updated:2016-05-03The UNESCO and Phoenix Publishing and Media Inc jointly held a launch ceremony for the Chinese version ofHistory of Human Civilizationat the London Book Fair on April 11.